1181 Internship
Katia talks about her experience workind as an intern.
Katia talks about her experience workind as an intern.
Intermediate 6
Time: 3:05
Katia Todd

Time: 3:05
Katia Todd

First Job
Mixer 11 First Job
In this segment, six people talk about their first job.
In this segment, six people talk about their first job.
Time: 3:34
Various Accents

Time: 3:34
Various Accents

Dream Job
Mixer 08 Dream Job
Hear six different people talk about their dream job.
Hear six different people talk about their dream job.
Time: 3:07
Various Accents

Time: 3:07
Various Accents

Bad Jobs
Mixer 02 Bad Jobs
Six different people talks about jobs they wouldn’t want.
Six different people talks about jobs they wouldn’t want.
Time: 2:59
Various Accents

Time: 2:59
Various Accents

Life Goals
LG63 Life Goals
Samir from Sweden talks about his goals for his young life.
Samir from Sweden talks about his goals for his young life.
Listening Game
Time: 2:35

Time: 2:35

Help Wanted
LG49 Help Wanted
Listen to two college students discuss possible part-time jobs.
Listen to two college students discuss possible part-time jobs.
Listening Game
Time: 2:00
Diego Hanna

Time: 2:00
Diego Hanna

Pro Advice

LG43 Pro Advice
Listen to six people with different jobs tell you what to do.
Listen to six people with different jobs tell you what to do.
Listening Game
Time: 1:53

Time: 1:53

Job Center

LG13 Job Center
Listen to six possible jobs you can get.
Listen to six possible jobs you can get.
Listening Game
Time: 3:47

Time: 3:47

College Graduates

NG25 College Graduates
Stories about college, a meeting, snow, tourism, smoking, and video games.
Stories about college, a meeting, snow, tourism, smoking, and video games.
News Center
Time: 2:26

Time: 2:26