1121 Teen Host
Shifani talks about what it was like to be a child DJ.
Shifani talks about what it was like to be a child DJ.
Intermediate 4
Time: 2:36
Shifani Todd

Time: 2:36
Shifani Todd

His Dreams
1118 His Dreams
Warren talks about his hopes and dreams.
Warren talks about his hopes and dreams.
Intermediate 4
Time: 3:20
Lindsay Warren

Time: 3:20
Lindsay Warren

Her Dreams
1117 Her Dreams
Lindsay talks about what she wanted to be as a child.
Lindsay talks about what she wanted to be as a child.
Intermediate 5
Time: 3:08
Lindsay Warren

Time: 3:08
Lindsay Warren

1094 Welfare
Todd talks about how people feel about welfare in the U.S.
Todd talks about how people feel about welfare in the U.S.
Intermediate 6
Time: 3:27
Rachel Todd

Time: 3:27
Rachel Todd

The Dole
1093 The Dole
Rachel talks with Todd about ‘the dole’ in the U.K.
Rachel talks with Todd about ‘the dole’ in the U.K.
Intermediate 6
Time: 3:27
Rachel Todd

Time: 3:27
Rachel Todd

Daily Routine
1092 Daily Routine
Gareth talks about his routine with his family and his work
Gareth talks about his routine with his family and his work
Intermediate 6
Time: 2:43
Mark Rebeca

Time: 2:43
Mark Rebeca

The Wedding Singer
1085 The Wedding Singer
Shirley talks her job as a wedding singer.
Shirley talks her job as a wedding singer.
Intermediate 6
Time: 3:18
Shirley Todd

Time: 3:18
Shirley Todd

Other Bad Jobs
1080 Other Bad Jobs
Monica and Todd continue their talk about previous jobs.
Monica and Todd continue their talk about previous jobs.
Intermediate 6
Time: 2:10
Monica Todd

Time: 2:10
Monica Todd